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Monday, October 21, 2024

Will Bunch: What a genitalia joke and a four-letter word about Kamala Harris is telling us about the American fascism threat under Trump. read more

Sunday, October 20, 2024

This comprehensive list was compiled by Mark Jacob, former editor at the Chicago Tribune, author, and writer of the newsletter Stop The Presses. It highlights 200 reasons to vote against Donald Trump, addressing his actions, statements, and policies that have undermined democracy, harmed the country, and divided Americans. read more

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Offshore betting markets like Polymarket mislead voters by substituting right-wing "vibes" for data. read more

An initiative called Progress 2028 that purports to be Kamala Harris' liberal counter to the conservative Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 is actually run by a dark money network supporting former President Donald Trump. read more

Friday, October 18, 2024

"I wanna say that I did make a mistake," [Fox News anchor Bret] Baier admitted. "When I called for a soundbite, I was expecting a piece of the enemy from within' from Maria Bartiromo's interview, to be tied to the piece from [Harris Faulkner's ]town hall." read more


That's cool, now explain the swing state polling.
#2 | Posted by Bluewaffles

Swing states are where the rightwing/red wave polling is the worst:

[I]t is time for those who analyze polls to start acknowledging that there is now a third type of poll --the red wave, right-aligned narrative polling that only exist for a single purpose--to move the polling averages to the right. They are exploiting the "toss it in the averages and everything will work out philosophy" of these sites to once again launder these polls and game the averages--and thus our understanding of the election. Party leaders should expect them to keep these polls coming, and keep working the averages until it looks like Trump is winning in all polling averages. It is what they did in 2022, and it worked. They are doing it again this time, and once again it is working as the averages are moving and everyone is treating this movement like an organic rather than a deeply corrupt process.

Since late August more than 70 right-aligned polls have been dropped into the polling averages. The two states that have been worked the hardest are North Carolina and Pennsylvania. In October of the 27 Presidential polls released in Pennsylvania, 16 are from right-aligned pollsters, a majority. Since August 31st of the 41 Presidential polls released in North Carolina, 21, a majority have home come from right aligned pollsters. . . .

The red wave campaign this year is on a much greater scale than 2022. It started much earlier, has many more actors and has produced far more polling. It needed to be bigger for in general election years there is more polling. So to move the averages more polls were needed, and they got to work earlier doing so. And this is important. In 2022 the campaign began late, in mid-October. They had less time to move the averages so their polls were often 3-4 points to the right of the polling as they needed these bigger margins to move the averages in a shorter time period. This time, because they started earlier and are producing more polls their polls are often only 1-2 points to the right of the polling average or independent polls. They are working the averages more carefully this time, over using the time and volume to move them gradually so the op is not as crude and as easy to see as last time. If Harris leads by 2.5 points and you drop 5 polls showing the race tied or her ahead by 1 or even 2 points the averages moves and it looks like she is losing altitude.


Would Congress nonetheless defy the ECRA and act illegally? To reject a state's electoral votes would require a majority in each house of the newly elected Congress. No matter which party controls the House and Senate, its margin is expected to be thin. Sen. Susan Collins was the leader oncr the Republican side in the bipartisan Senate group that drafted the ECRA. Other Republicans in that group who will still be in the Senate in January 2025 include Lisa Murkowski, Todd Young, and Shelley Moore Capito. Let's assume for the sake of analysis Republicans control the House and have 51 or 52 Senators. It would still take only one or maybe two Republicans to abide by the terms of the ECRA that they themselves drafted to defeat any plot in Congress to steal the election.
Out of that group I would trust Murkowski to hold out. Not sure about the other 3. Speaking of trust, I posted this in another thread:
The second and only other basis on which the bipartisan Congress agreed it could lawfully object is also extremely limited. Congress can object if the document a governor sends in, identifying the electors, is defective in some way. Again, this provision does not give Congress the power to second guess the voting process in a state. Indeed, Sen. Ted Cruz voted against the Act precisely because it shut down Congress' power to do so.

The entire thrust of the ECRA is to emphasize that any disputes over the voting process are to be resolved in the courts, not in Congress.

Yes, the courts held in 2020, but will they in 2024? The SC will be the final arbitor, but I have no confidence that their rulings will be fair and impartial and won't favor Donald Trump.

Gal ... there was at least one article that made it to the front page about Kamala leading betting markets a few weeks back. So was that article wrong because it didn't gauge Trump's surge in popularity or what?
As well, Harris is losing every swing state aggregate polling. Are we to believe there's a problem with these polls as well?
#16 | Posted by Bluewaffles

As I said upthread, Forget the betting markets, forget the polls. Just vote:

The red wave campaign this year is on a much greater scale than 2022. It started much earlier, has many more actors and has produced far more polling. It needed to be bigger for in general election years there is more polling. So to move the averages more polls were needed, and they got to work earlier doing so. And this is important. In 2022 the campaign began late, in mid-October. They had less time to move the averages so their polls were often 3-4 points to the right of the polling as they needed these bigger margins to move the averages in a shorter time period. This time, because they started earlier and are producing more polls their polls are often only 1-2 points to the right of the polling average or independent polls. They are working the averages more carefully this time, over using the time and volume to move them gradually so the op is not as crude and as easy to see as last time. If Harris leads by 2.5 points and you drop 5 polls showing the race tied or her ahead by 1 or even 2 points the averages moves and it looks like she is losing altitude. . . .

The red wave 2024 campaign also includes a major new entrant, Polymarket, an off-shore crypto-based betting market whose lead investor is Peter Thiel, former business partner to Elon Musk and primary political patron of JD Vance. Polymarket is buying product placement on sites and with influencers for their 2024 American election results even though NO AMERICAN CAN LEGALLY PARTICIPATE IN PROCESS THAT DETERMINES THE DATA. Polymarket is everywhere. Harry Enten higlights their data on CNN. Right wing influencers pump Polymarket maps showing Trump "winning" everyday. Nate Silver is an advisor to Polymarket. Elon and Twitter of course are pumping this stuff, hard.


"Funny but not haha how Democrat Senators like Casey PA, Sherrod Brown OH etc are frantically buying into Trump policies on trade immig.. They abstain from Kamala rallies."

I think that article is trying to read too much into that ad. Casey is trying to appeal to Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Here's the Casey ad (video at link):

I'm a Republican and I'm a Democrat. Our marriage, pure bliss. But on politics, we just don't agree except for Bob Casey. He's independent. That's right. Casey's leading the effort to stop corporate greed, inflation and price gouging Casey bucked Biden to protect fracking and he sided with Trump to end NAFTA and put tariffs on China to stop them from cheating. So, in this house, we agree it's Bob Casey who's doing right by Pennsylvania. I'm Bob Casey and I definitely approve this message.


Running against corporate greed, inflation and price gouging are issues Harris is running on. He appeared at a rally last week in Pittsburgh with Obama as Obama campaigned for both Casey and Harris:

Obama contrasts values of Harris, Trump at Pittsburgh rally

the 44th president, making his first campaign stop this fall in support of Harris, spoke of values and the contrast in presidential candidates after their different approaches to hurricane relief in the South. Trump at an event in Georgia accused Biden of ignoring the area, taking to social media to falsely accuse the administration of withholding and diverting funds from Republican areas.

"It's been one of the most disturbing things in this election season about Trump's rise in politics," he said. "How we have seemed to set aside the values that people like Dan stood for, (U.S. Sen.) Bob (Casey) stood for and that I was taught. Those used to be Democratic and Republican values. It used to be we would have arguments about tax policy or foreign policy, but we didn't have arguments about whether you should tell the truth or not. We didn't make excuses for people who violate basic norms for treating people fairly and with respect."

Obama spoke for about 45 minutes while U.S. Sen. Bob Casey sat behind him. Casey, running for a fourth term in the Senate, was one of the preceding speakers that also included quips by Gov. Josh Shapiro, Lt. Gov. Austin Davis and Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey.


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